Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Siddur Part 15 Seder HaYom

Seder HaYom "Order of the day":

“And the One who is full of compassion,
forgiving of iniquity, and does not destroy;
often turning away anger,
and not stirring up all its wrath”. (Tehillim 78:38)

Recite Tehila leDawid (Psalm 145) ...

Uva l'Siyon

“And a redeemer will come to Siyon,
and to those of Ya`aqov who turn from transgression -
- the word of the Sacred One.
And as for Me, this is my covenant with them -
- says the Sacred One; My spirit that is upon you,
and my words which I have placed in your mouth,
will not depart from your mouth,
nor from the mouth of your offspring,
nor from the mouth of your offspring’s offspring -
- says the Sacred One, from now until forever."
(Yesha`ya 59:20-21)
“You are sacred,
enthroned upon the praises of Yisrael”. (Tehillim 22:4)
“And one called to the other and said, Sacred! Sacred! Sacred!
is the Sacred One of hosts,
whose glory fills the entire land!” (Yesha`ya 6:3)
“And they receive permission from each other and say,
‘Sacred in the highest heavens, the abode of God’s presence,
sacred on earth, product of God’s strength,
sacred forever and ever is the Sacred One of Hosts,
the whole world is filled with the radiance of God’s glory.’” (Targum)
“Then a wind took me up,
and I heard behind me the sound of a great noise, saying,
'The Sacred One's glory is appreciated from its place!’” (Ezekiel 3:12)
“And a wind lifted me, and I heard behind me
the sound of the powerful movement of those who praised saying,
‘The honor of the Sacred One is appreciated
from the place of the dwelling of its presence.’” (Targum)
“The Sacred One will reign forever and ever”. (Shemoth 15:18)
“The Sacred One’s majesty is forever and ever”. (Targum)
“The Sacred One, God of Avraham, Isaac and Yisrael our ancestors,
may You preserve this forever,
as the realization of the thoughts in Your people’s heart,
and may You direct their heart to You”. (I Divrei HaYamim 29:18)
“And the One who is full of compassion,
forgiving of iniquity, and does not destroy;
often turning away anger,
and not stiring up all its wrath”. (Tehillim 78:38)
“For you, Sacred One, are good and forgiving;
and of abundant kindness to all who call upon You”. (Tehillim 86:5)
“Your righteousness is an eternal righteousness,
and Your Tora is truth”. (Tehillim 119:142)
“Who is a god similar to You, Who pardons iniquity,
and passes over the transgression of the remnant of Its heritage?
Not continuously retaining anger, because God desires kindness.
God will again have compassion upon us; suppressing our iniquities;
and You will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.
You will show truth to Ya`aqov, and loving mercy to Avraham,
as you have sworn to our ancestors
from the days of old”. (Mika 7:18-20)
“The Sacred One is appreciated, who burdens us every day,
forever the God of our salvation”. (Tehillim 68:20)
“The Sacred One of Hosts is with us;
the God of Ya`aqov is our refuge forever”. (Tehillim 46:8)
“Sacred One of Hosts,
happy is the person who trusts in You”. (Tehillim 84:13)
Our God is appreciated, our Master is appreciated,
our Creator is appreciated who created us for Its glory,
Who has separated us from those who stray,
and gave to us the Tora of truth by the hand of Moshe our teacher,
implanted eternal life within us.
Compassionate One, open our hearts to study Your Tora,
and imbue our heart with love and awe,
to do the highest divine will,
and to serve wholeheartedly and with a willing spirit,
in order that we do not struggle in vain, nor produce futility.
May it be Your highest will and compassion Sacred One our God,
that we will live and observe Your statutes
in this world and in the days of the Anointed,
so that we may merit to inherit goodness
and life in the coming world.
“In order that my soul may sing praise to you and not be silent;
Sacred One my God, I will forever thank You”. (Tehillim 30:13)
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be favorable before You, Sacred One,
my "Rock" and my redeemer”. (Psalm 19:15)

Rabbi Elazar said on behalf of Rabbi Chanina,
'those who learn with Sages bring peace to the world:
as it says, “And all your children will be students of the Sacred One,
and will have abundant peace'”. (Isaiah 54:13)
There is none like our God, none like our Master,
none like our Ruler, none like our Savior;
Who is like our God, who is like our Master,
who is like our Ruler, who is like our Savior;
Let us thank our God, let us thank our Master,
let us thank our Ruler, let us thank our Savior;
Blessed is our God, blessed is our Master,
blessed is our Ruler, blessed is our Savior;
It is You Who is our God, it is You Who is our Master,
it is You Who is our Ruler, it is You Who is our Savior;
“You will arise, and have mercy upon Siyon;
for it is time to favor her, for the time has come”. (Tehillim 102:14)
“Truly the righteous will give thanks to the idea of You;
the upright will dwell in Your presence”. (Tehillim 140:14)
“And those who know the idea of You will put their trust in you;
for You have not forsaken
those who seek You, Sacred One”. (Tehillim 9:11)
“For all the people will walk, each one in the name of their god;
but we will walk in the name of the Sacred One our God
for ever and ever”. (Mika 4:5)

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