Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Siddur Part 12 G:ula

This matter is true and determined, correct and enduring,
straightforward and convincing, beloved and dear,
delightful and pleasant, awesome and majestic,
established and accepted, good and beautiful for us, forever.

It is true that our Ruler is the God of the universe,
the Rock of Ya'aqov and defender of our salvation.
Who has endured for each generation
and the idea of Whom has endured,
whose throne is prepared
and whose reign and ideology are established.
Whose words live, and are forever convincing – for all eternity!
For us and our ancestors, for our children and all our generations –
For the earlier generations, and for the later generations
– it is a good thing that is established in truth,
a decreed custom that is never broken.
It is true that You are indeed the Sacred One,
our God and the God of our ancestors,
our Ruler and the Ruler of our ancestors,
our liberator and the liberator of our ancestors,
our shaper and the shaper of our salvation, redeeming and saving us;
forever, this has been the idea of You –
and we have no other God beside You.

You have forever been the help of our ancestors,
defender and savior for their children after them in every generation.
At the height of the universe You dwell,
and Your justice and Your righteousness
are until the ends of the earth.
It is true that the person who heeds Your instructions is fortunate,
placing Your Tora and Your word upon the heart.

It is true that You are a Master to your people,
a mighty Ruler who takes up the cause of parent and child.
It is true that You are the first and You are the last,
and there is no savior aside from You.
It is true that you liberated us from Misrayim, Sacred One our God,
and redeemed us from the institution of slavery,
You killed every Misrayimian firstborn with the plague,
while You liberated Your firstborn; You split the Reed Sea,
and drowned the malicious ones,
while Your friends passed through the sea –
the water covered those who had caused them suffering,
until not one was left.
It is upon this that the liberated ones praised and exalted God,
that the friends gave meter and song,
praises to the living, enduring, and ruling God.
Exalted and upraised; great, mighty, and awesome;
lowering the haughty down to earth.
uplifting the low up to the heights,
releasing the confined, redeeming the humble,
helping the impoverished,
answering the people of Yisrael at the time of their plea.

Praise to the Most High, Who is appreciated!
Moshe and all the children of Yisrael
spoke poetry to you with so much happiness; all declared,
“Who is similar to You, Sacred One, among authorities;
who is similar to You, majestic in the place of sanctity,
an awesome object of praises, acting wonderfully?
The Sacred One will rule forever and ever!”
And it is said, “Our liberator is named 'the Sacred One of hosts,'
Sanctified One of Yisrael.”
Appreciated! You are the Sacred One, who liberated Yisrael!

1 comment:

  1. Raphael has succeeded in keeping our God neither male nor female. I also believe Appreciated! is a breath of fresh air.
    May this project continue to reward you and all you touch.

