Sunday, July 5, 2009


Welcome to the RaMBaM Siddur Translation Project!

The purpose of this blog is to create an area for access to the new project we have begun of creating a Hebrew-English prayer book based on the NusaHh of the Mishne Torah, and for people to leave feedback for corrections/suggestions.

Translation is an extremely sensitive issue because words simply mean different things to every person. They invoke different feelings. As we consider the nature of prayer, and how much of it involves invoking feelings, we can begin to get an idea of how difficult this project could be. But the more feedback we receive, the better the text can be clarified into the most accurate, understandable and pleasing version for as many people as possible.

However difficult it may be, we are determined to produce a text that will serve as a new standard of devotion. The authentic text exactly as preserved by RaMBaM, complete with clear instructions brought from Hilkoth Tephilla as needed, translated into spirited, plain English, to be able to be used by anyone to connect to our blessed Creator, every day of the year.

Sections are to be added as they are completed. At first the text will be only in English - in the near future, b:`ezrath Hashem, we will be able to present a bi-lingual text, in both facing pages and interlinear formats.

Thank you for your comments. Suggestions will be most helpful, however big or small!

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